Naviga nel sito della Scuola di Economia e Management

Anthropology and Development

CFU: 6

Year: II

Instructor: Alberto Cacopardo

The course will be divided in two parts. The first one will deal with some key anthropological concepts involved in the understanding of cultural diversity and of the traits and dynamics of the economy and politics of non-Western societies, with special regard to local, small-scale societies and groups. The second part will present a set of different research methodologies and technical tools useful to enforce the participation, the empowerment and the capabilities of local communities.

Wilk, Richard R. & Cligget, Lisa C., Economies and Cultures: Foundations of Economic Anthropology. Second Edition. Boulder: Westview Press, 2007, 236 pp.

Olivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre, Anthropology and Development: Understanding Contemporary Social Change. London: Zed Books, 2005, 243 pp.

Chambers Robert, Whose Reality Counts? Putting the first last. Bourton on Dunsmore: Practical Action Publishing, 2009 [Intermediate Technology Publications, 1997], 297 pp.

Wilk, Richard R. & Cligget, Lisa C., Economies and Cultures: Foundations of Economic Anthropology. Second Edition. Boulder: Westview Press, 2007, 236 pp.

Olivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre, Anthropology and Development: Understanding Contemporary Social Change. London: Zed Books, 2005, 243 pp.

Chambers Robert, Whose Reality Counts? Putting the first last. Bourton on Dunsmore: Practical Action Publishing, 2009 [Intermediate Technology Publications, 1997], 297 pp.




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