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Three double degree programs

The MSc in Economics and Development offers three double degree programs.

For either program, students from the University of Florence spend their second year at the partner university, where they attend courses, take exams, and write their master thesis. At the end of the program, students earn one degree from the University of Florence, that is MSc in Economics and Development, and one from the partner university, that is MSc in Development Economics from UniGoettingen, or MSc in European Economic Studies from UniBamberg, or International Master in Public Policies from UniRennes.


Why do a Double Degree?

A double degree program allows students to:

  • study at two top economics schools;
  • earn two degrees, one from each university, which, if done separately, would take four years of studies;
  • gain international experience;
  • be more competitive in the labour market;
  • broaden their horizons;
  • build strong international networks.




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