Study Plan 2024-2025
In the a.y. 2024-25 there will be an autumn session (Oct. 26, 2024 - Nov. 21, 2024) and a spring session (Mar. 26, 2025 - Apr. 21, 2025) to fill in the study plan.
Curriculum Economics, track Behavioural Economics
Study Plan Guidelines for Autumn 2024-25
Unless you need to fill in your study plan in paper form (about this, please see the guidelines above), please click here to enter GCS with your credentials. GCS is the webpage where you can manage your carrier as a student, and in which you can fill in your study plan.
Annalisa Luporini is the professor in charge of study plan for the curriculum Economics, track Behavioural Economics.
Curriculum ECONOMICS, track Behavioural Economics
Study Plan Guidelines for Spring 2023-24
Study Plan 2022-2023
CURRICULUM IN ECONOMICS track Behavioural Economics
Study Plan 2021-2022
CURRICULUM IN ECONOMICS track Behavioural Economics
List of courses for students enrolled in a.y. 2021-22
Study Plan 2020-2021