In a.y. 2024-25 there will be an autumn session (Oct. 26 to Nov. 21, 2024) and a spring session (Mar. 26 to Apr. 21, 2025) to fill in the study plan.
Page about study plan for curriculum in Development Economics
Page about study plan for curriculum in Economics, track in Economics
Page about study plan for curriculum in Economics, track in Behavioural Economics
The School of Economics and Management offers assistance about study plans, according to this schedule. The venue is the entrance hall of building D6. The first day in which this assistance is offered is March 31, from 1pm to 3pm. Although the above page is written in Italian, the people offering this service speak English. Of course, students of Economics and Development can choose to resort to the persons in change of study plans, as described by footnote 2 of this document.