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Description of the curriculum in Economics, track in Economics

The curriculum in Economics is designed for students interested in acquiring skills for a successful career as professional economist, in learning quantitative tools to analyse major current economic issues and policies, in using theoretical and empirical techniques to analyse the competitiveness of markets, to forecast macroeconomic and financial variables, to evaluate programs for private and public institutions.

After a first year offering a robust introduction to microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, jointly with basic quantitative tools and business/finance/law courses, during the second year students can choose between a track in Economics (see below) and a track in Behavioural Economics. In alternative, students can apply to enter the double degree program offered jointly with the MSc in European Economic Studies of the University of Bamberg (Germany), or to enter the double degree program offered jointly with the Master in International Public Policies of the University of Rennes (France) -- students can apply to either of these programs in early February during the first year.

The track in Economics equips students with tools for economic and econometric methods to analyze data and formulate or evaluate global and sectorial economic policies, and to conduct theoretical and applied research in economics. In particular, in addition to an introduction to the tools for the study of political decisions in modern economics (for instance involving redistribution programms or public good provisions), students may choose three courses in econometrics in order to earn a solid knowledge in this field. In alternative, students may choose to limit to one the number of courses in econometrics and select courses from a variety of alternatives which cover programming and computational methods in economics, labor economics, the economics of digital markets, learning the use of a software for data science, ... Students can choose freely courses for 12 ECTS, which may be used for instance to acquire a specialization in the field of Energy and Environment, or Finance, or Statistics.

 Courses for the curriculum in Economics, track in Economics in a.y. 2024-25.

The curriculum in Economics, track in Economics provides an ideal background for pursuing a PhD programme (in Economics and related topics) at leading universities around the world or for work as a professional economist in a wide range of positions in private economic consultancy agencies, business, finance, national and international organisations and governments.




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