Naviga nel sito della Scuola di Economia e Management

Description of the curriculum

The curriculum in Development Economics involves a thorough training in both macro- and micro-development theory. The aim is to understand the main economic models and key indicators from which development policies are derived, and design and evaluate policies that promote sustainable growth, education&health for all, food security, and reduce income, gender inequality, conflict. In particular in the second year, students can tailor the course to their interests and career aspirations by choosing from a wide range of elective courses.  Courses for the curriculum Development Economics in a.y. 2024-25. In alternative, students can apply to enter the double degree programm offered jointly with the MSc in European Economic Studies of the University of Goettingen (Germany) -- the application for this program must be made in early February during the first year. 

This curriculum provides an ideal background for pursuing a PhD programme (in Development Economics and related topics) at leading universities around the world or for work as a professional development economist in national and international agencies, civil service appointments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and private sector companies with interests in developing countries.




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