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Double degree with UBamberg (for students of curriculum Economics)


The Double Degree Program offered by the MSc in Economics and Development of the University of Florence and the MSc in European Economic Studies of the University of Bamberg (Germany) is a high-quality two-year program specialising in economics which allows students to earn both master degrees. Students with home university Florence spend the first academic year at the University of Florence and the second academic year at the University of Bamberg -- webpage of the Institute of Economics of the University of Bamberg.


Structure of the program and educational objectives

The program provides students with advanced quantitative methods and techniques in order to use both theoretical and empirical tools to analyse major current economic issues and policies, to appraise the competitiveness of markets, to forecast macroeconomic and financial variables, to evaluate programs for private and public institutions, especially with reference to the European Institutions. Key competences provided include the capacity to conduct both theoretical and applied research in the fields of economics, tools for economic and econometric methods to analyze data and formulate or evaluate global and sectorial economics policies, and an understanding of the international economic structures.

At the University of Florence, the program starts in September and students take courses in the curriculum Economics of the MSc Economics and Development. Shortly before the beginning of the second semester, first-year students of the curriculum Economics can apply to enter the double degree program and up to 5 students are selected to spend their entire second year at the University of Bamberg, attending courses, taking exams, and writing a Master thesis at the MSc European Economic Studies, according to the latter's regulations. These activities count toward earning the degree in Economics and Development from the University of Florence. At the MSc in European Economic Studies, students enjoy a high degree of flexibility and can choose among a variety of courses, both theoretical and applied.

The program will provide a sound background in economics and quantitative methods, and will also give students a multidisciplinary approach. .At the end of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • collect and analyse quantitative and qualitative data from local, national, and international data sets;
  • understand micro and macro phenomena from an economic point of view;
  • use theoretical and applied (including econometric) tools to analyse economic systems;
  • evaluate and formulate economic policies;
  • have a personalized academic profile thanks to a high degree of flexibility in the program;
  • acquire an international and interdisciplinary economics profile.

The program requires the student to earn 120 credits, according to the regulations described below.

Students with home university Florence, please click here.

Students with home university Bamberg, please click here.


Career perspectives

The job opportunities for graduates from this program include employment as a professional economist in a wide range of positions in private economic consultancy agencies, business, finance, national and international organisations and governments, and enrolment in a PhD program in Economics and related topics at leading universities around the world.


Admission requirements and selection criteria

Students applying to enter the Double Degree Program will be selected by their home institution according to the following criteria, jointly defined and agreed upon by the University of Florence and the University of Bamberg.

Applicants with home university Florence need to

* be first-year students of the curriculum Economics.

Selection criteria for applicants with home university Florence:

- Final grade of the Bachelor degree;

- Average grade of the mandatory courses of the first semester of the first year of the curriculum Economics of the MSc Economics and Development;

- Motivation letter;

- Certified knowledge of languages different from English.


Applications for a.y. 2023-24

For academic year 2023-24, the call for applications is available here (the English version begins at page 8 of the document). The deadline is Feb. 18, 2024, at 1pm.

The application form in English, in Italian.

The application form and its attachments must be submitted through this website.

A presentation of this program has been held on Feb. 5, 2024. An updated version of the slides of the presentation is here.




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