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Latest news


Career Day

Career Day organized by Unifi on Monday, March 31.



Study plan

Study plan presentation: March 26 -- April 21, 2025.



Calls for Double Degree Programs

The calls to participate in the selection of students entering Double Degree Programs are available.



Econometric Game

One student of the MSc in Economics and Development will participate in the Econometric Game (Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2025) in the Unifi team.



Simuvaction on AI 2025

Two students of the MSc in Economics and Development are participating in Simuvaction on AI (Quebec City, Canada, April 2025).



Courses in Econometrics for PhD and Master students

Courses in Econometrics organized by the Italian Econometric Association.



Information on Economics Lab

Students interested in the course Economics Lab should read this news.



Final lecture of Economic Law

A distinguished final lecture for the course Economic Law will be held on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at 4:15 PM, in room D6/118.



Meeting for students interested in PhD, Nov. 21.

Meeting for students interested in PhD, Nov. 21 at 6pm in room D6/006.



Presentation of Double Degree Programs

Meeting about the Double Degree Program with the University of Bamberg and about the Double Degree Program with the University of Rennes, October 28.



2 grants for 1st-year students

The MSc in Economics and Development offers 2 grants to first-year students.



Double degree presentation

Meeting about the Double Degree with the University of Goettingen, October 18.



Master Graduates Enter PhD Programs

Recent graduates from the Master in ED have been admitted to PhD Programs



Welcome Meeting

A Welcome Meeting for first-year students will be held on October 2 at 6pm, in room D6/013.



Mentorship and WhatsApp group for first-year students

In the a.y. 2024-25, each first-year student will be assigned an academic mentor. A students' representative is creating a WhatsApp group of first-year students.



First semester classes, and MSc presentation

Lectures for first semester courses began on Sept. 16, 2024. The slides used on Sept. 16 for a short presentation of the MSc are available.



Introductory courses

Introductory courses of Mathematics and Statistics to be held in September 2024.



A page about phd programs, summer schools, prizes, ...

Updated on August 7, 2024.



Double degree with University of Rennes

From the a.y. 2024-25, students of the curriculum Economics may apply to enter a double degree program offered jointly by the MSc in Economics and Development and the International Master in Public Policies of the University of Rennes (France).



Simuvaction on AI 2024




A chance to get in close contact with firms and learn from inside how firms work.



ECB scholarships for women students

The European Central Bank offers scholarships for women students from the EU who are currently enrolled, or about to enroll, on a master’s course in economics, statistics, engineering or computing at a European university.



Prizes by Associazione Villa Favard

Prizes by Associazione Villa Favard for graduates of a Laurea Magistrale of the School of Economics and Business of UniFi.



Keynote Lecture 2023/24 on April 9

Keynote Lecture 2023/24 on Artificial Intelligence and Competition, April 9 at 12noon.



Study plan

Between March 26 and April 21 it is possible to fill in and submit a study plan



An online course for Data Analyst



Double degrees

The results of the procedures for participation to DD programmes are available.



Applications for Double Degrees


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