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How to apply and enrol

  • If you hold a BA degree from an Italian University, then please click here to apply.
  • If you hold a BA degree from a non-Italian University, then please click here to apply, by the deadline indicated by the platform itself. Applications for degrees not yet earned will not be considered.

The Admission Committee of the MSc in Economics and Development will evaluate your application on the basis of the Admission Requirements described below in this page. There are three possible outcomes:

  • Your application is successful You are awarded the so-called "Nulla Osta" and you can enroll into the MSc in Economics and Development.
  • You do not meet some of the admission requirements In order to be awarded the "Nulla Osta", you will have to sit for an interview, and/or pass one or more BA exams, and/or pass a B2 English test.
  • You definitely do not meet the admission requirements You cannot enroll into the MSc in Economics and Development.

Information on how to apply and how to enrol from the website of Unifi

Admission Requirements

Applicants need to satisfy admission requirements about the BA grade, about ECTS earned during the BA program, and about proficiency in English. A reference letter from a university professor is strongly recommended.


Requirements about the BA grade

  • Applicants who hold a BA degree from an Italian University should have a final grade of at least 99/110 (in case you do not fulfil this requirement, then please see below).
  • Applicants who hold a BA degree from a non-Italian University should have a BA grade with pass proceed, that is permit to proceed to graduate studies. If the pass proceed is not indicated, then it will be calculated (in case you do not fulfil this requirement, then please see below).

An applicant who does not fulfil this requirement but is motivated, is welcome to apply but may be asked to sit for an interview with the Admission Committee. The applicant will be told in advance the subjects of the interview.


Requirements about ECTS earned during the BA program

  • Economics: 18 ECTS
  • Statistics: 6 ECTS
  • Mathematics: 6 ECTS

An applicant who does not fulfil these requirements needs to pass exams to earn the “missing” ETCS. These exams can be taken, for instance, at the University of Florence or at the university from which the applicant earned the BA degree.


Requirements about proficiency in English

A good working knowledge of English, written and oral, is needed, at least at B2 level of the Common European Framework, i.e. equivalent to a Cambridge First Certificate. In this regard, applicants need to satisfy one of the following requirements:

  • provide evidence that their BA course was taught entirely in English;
  • certify their knowledge of English at B2 level through Cambridge First certificate, TOEFL, IELTS, ...


In order to contact the Admission Committee, please write an e-mail to:

professor Lisa Grazzini ( for the curriculum in Development Economics;

professor Annalisa Luporini ( for the curriculum in Economics.




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