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Courses, Introductory Courses, and exams

Campus Novoli

Lectures and exams are held in Buildings D4, D5, D6 (via delle Pandette), and D15 (piazza Ugo di Toscana) of Campus Novoli. Please find a map here.


Introductory courses

Two introductory courses, one in mathematics, one in statistics, will be held from Sept. 9 to Sept. 13, 2024: please click here for information.

Lectures for first semester courses

The lectures of first semester courses will begin on Sept. 16, will end on Dec. 9, 2024 (the course History of Economic Thought is an exception: please see below in this page). When available, the timetable for these lectures will be found here and here.

Lectures of second semester courses

The lectures of second semester courses will begin on Feb. 24, will end on May 30, 2025 (the course International Conflict Transformation is an exception: please see below in this page). When available, the timetable for these lectures will be found here and here.

Courses held at Syracuse University Florence

The courses History of Economic Thought and International Conflict Transformation are part of an agreement between the MSc in Economics and Development and Syracuse University in Florence (SUF) and they will be held in SUF’s premises, located in piazza Savonarola 15. Students from the MSC Economics and Development interested in these courses will attend them together with SUF’s students and will have access to all of SUF’s facilities, including the library and intercultural students’ activities. Please click here for information of these courses, here for more information about SUF.

List of courses

Please find here the list of courses, with indication of first semester courses and second semester courses.


Moodle is an e-learning online platform in which each instructor is suggested to upload teaching material for their courses, and students can retrieve such material. Please notice that Moodle cannot be used to register to take an exam (see below in this page in order to register to take an exam).

In order to access the moodle page of a course you are interested in, please

  • reach the Moodle home page at and click on Login at the top right of the screen
  • insert your username and password
  • insert the name of the course you are interested in and click on “cerca”
  • If you are asked an access key in order to see the moodle page of the course, then contact the course instructor in order to receive the access key.

Please find here a detailed guide on using Moodle.


Exams for first semester courses

For each first semester course, there will be six dates to take the exam between December 2024 and September 2025:

  • one in December 2024;
  • three in January-February 2025;
  • one in June 2025;
  • one in August-September 2025.

Please find here the precise dates of exams (not yet available for a.y. 2024-25).

Register to take an exam. In this regard, this document may be helpful.

Exams for second semester courses

For each second semester course, there will be six dates to take the exam between June 2025 and February 2026:

  • three in June-July 2025;
  • one in August-September 2025;
  • two in January-February 2026.

Please find here the precise dates of exams (not yet available for a.y. 2024-25).

Register to take an exam. In this regard, this document may be helpful.






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