In order to take the final exam, which carries 21 ECTS, the student must have passed all other exams in their study plan (i.e., no less than 99 ECTS).
The final exam consists in the two following steps.
Step 1: Writing a thesis on a topic which is relevant for the MSc, under the supervision of a professor of the MSc whom the student can choose. The thesis needs to prove the student's ability to analyze relevant issues using the appropriate methods/tools, in a scientifically rigorous way. Moreover, the thesis needs to include some original contributions. The School of Economics and Management suggests here a template for the cover page of the thesis.
Step 2: Defending the thesis in front of a commission of professors of the MSc, which ordinarily includes the thesis’ supervisor.
The student's final grade is obtained through the following steps.
There are five sessions per year in which the thesis defence can occur, and precisely in the months of February, April, July, October, December. Please click here for administrative information on the thesis defence, and here, here for information on steps and deadlines for next sessions.