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Calls for PhD programs, Summer Schools, Prizes, ...

The calls below are ordered by deadline.

  1. Prize for thesis by students living in the province of Prato. Please find information (in Italian) here. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2025.
  2. Call to apply to the doctoral program in Economics at the European University Institute. The call for the 2025-2026 academic year is open until January 31, 2025 (14:00 CET). EUI will hold a presentation of this program on Dec. 2; please find information here
  3. Recruiting Day Unicoop Firenze (in Italian). Please find information here. The deadline to apply is February 3, 2025.
  4. Call to apply to the doctoral program in International Business Taxation - 2025/26 intake will open on November 1, 2024, with a deadline of February 15, 2025. Please find information here.
  5. Call for PhD positions in Bielefeld, within the research training group (RTG) "Coping with Uncertainty in Dynamic Economies". Please find information here and here. The deadline to apply is February 15, 2025.
  6. Call to express interest in entering the Vilfredo Pareto PhD in Economics (Turin). The call for application will appear in Spring 2025.
  7. Prize for thesis on cooperation. Please find information here. The deadline to apply is May 31, 2025.

Calls with expired deadline:

  1. Courses in Econometrics  organized by the Societa' Italiana di Econometria for PhD and Master students also in the year 2024. All courses are in English and are open also to non-academic participants (banks, insurance and financial companies, economic research offices, etc.) and new graduates who wish to continue in their studies. For information and enrollment, please visit
  2. PhD program in Economics of the Tuscan Universities. Please find information at 
  3. PhD program in Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Please find information at
  4. CEBEX Summer School 2024. Please find information at
  5. Phd Program in Development Economics and Local System at University of Florence. Please find information at
  6. Ph.D. in Economics and Finance of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Please find information at,,
  7. Phd in Modelli e Metodi per l’Economia e il Management - Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM), Università di Brescia. Information at, Call:
  8. Vilfredo Pareto Doctoral Program in Economics, Università di Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto. Call: Information:
  9. PhD program in MODELLI PER L'ECONOMIA E LA FINANZA at Department MEMOTEF of Università Sapienza, Rome. This program is in English, although that is not immediate from the program's webpage:
  10. PhD program offered by the School of Social Sciences and Economics of Università Sapienza, Rome. This program, with five curricula, is in English, although that is not immediate from the program's webpage:
  11. PhD program in Economics, Analytics and Decision Sciences (EADS) at IMT Lucca. Please find information at
     and at
  12. Phd program in Economics, Management and Decision Making at Department of Economics and Business of the University of Catania. Please find information at
  13. Summer School in Social Statistics about Causal inference for social research and policy evaluation Information at
  14. PhD program in Economics and Finance at University of Rome Tor Vergata. Please find information at  30e45986-86a9-4735-b98b-1610802afd4c.pdf ( and at PhD in Economics and Finance (
  15. Phd program in Quantitative Methods in Economics at University of Macerata. Please find information at
  16. PhD program in Economia - Istituzioni, Imprese e metodi quantitativi at University of Perugia (the program is in English, although the name is in Italian). Please find more information at
  17. Call for master students to work as tutor, in Italian, in Bachelor courses including Mathematics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Statistics at UniFi. Please find information at
  18. Phd in Methods and Models for Economic Decisions at University of Insubria (8 scholarships are available). Please find information at and at
  19. PhD program in Social Sciences for Sustainability and Wellbeing (S3W) at the University of Florence. Please find information at
  20. PhD program in Economics at the University of Siena. Please find information at and at
  21. Internship at the Florence office of Banca d'Italia. This call, for two positions, is open only to graduates of Università di Firenze in the MSc Economics and Development, or Accounting, Amministrazione e Controllo, or Governo e Direzione d'Impresa, or Scienze dell'Economia. Please find information at
  22. Prize for thesis on Ethical Finance:
  23. Internship at the Florence office of Banca d'Italia. This call, for two positions, is open to graduates with good knowledge of Statistics and Econometrics. Please find information at
  24. PhD program in Social Sciences for Sustainability and Wellbeing (S3W) at the University of Florence. Please find information at
  25. Call to give lectures to high school students about bachelor programs in Economics at Unifi. The lectures will be held in Italian, they are paid (gross) 180 euros each, and the person selected by the call must have earned the laurea magistrale degree at latest in July 2024. Please find more information here.Anybody who is interested in this call would better contact professor Nicola Doni (, who will act as supervisor for the lectures.
  26. Call for internship at the OECD’s Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Directorate. These internships will focus on supporting the OECD Transformative Agenda and the STIP Data Lab during the winter to summer period. Details can be found here and here
  27. Call to attend a course to become "future planner" (notwithstanding the title, the course is in Italian). Please find more information here.
  28. PhD program in Economics at the University of Siena: Call for a PhD position on the topic "Distributive Justice and Environmental Sustainability: An Application to the Fashion Industry”". Please find information at and at
  29. Call for MSc students to work as a teaching tutor, in Italian, in Bachelor courses including Macroeconomics, Mathematics, Microeconomics, Statistics at UniFi. In fact, MSc students may alternatively work as orientation tutors, in Italian, providing information about Bachelor courses of study. For instance, here are the requirements to be an orientation tutor for the Bachelor course of study SECI. Please find here information about the call.




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