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Practical information for students from abroad

Basic information on courses and grades

Please find here the list of courses, with indication of first semester courses and second semester courses. Please keep in mind that each ECTS (ECTS are called CFU in the Italian terminology) requires about 25 hours of overall work by the student, including lectures (8 hours per ECTS), practical training, individual study, ... Therefore

  • a 3 ECTS course has 24 hours of lectures;
  • a 6 ECTS course has 48 hours of lectures;
  • a 9 ECTS course has 72 hours of lectures;
  • a 12 ECTS course has 96 hours of lectures.

In the Italian grading system, the possible grades for an exam are typically 18, 19, 20, ..., 28, 29, 30, 30 e lode (i.e., 30 with distinction: this is the highest possible grade), Fail. But for laboratories/workshops, the possible grades are just Pass, Fail (Idoneo, Non idoneo in the Italian terminology). Therefore, by passing the exam for such a course, the student does not earn a grade between 18 and 30 e lode, but still earns the ECTS assigned to the course.

Please find here additional information about courses and exams.


Stay permit, Health care, tax code, ...

Please find here information about how to get a stay permit, health care, how to get a tax code. Here is information on University canteens.

The website of the School of Economics and Management includes this page, which is meant for Erasmus students but it includes useful information also for non-Erasmus students: See for instance the document with title Fact Sheet and the document with title WELCOME GUIDE.


Learning Italian

The Unifi Language Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, CLA) offers introductory courses for the Italian language (level A1-A2) and for many non-Italian languages. Please find more information here, here, here, and here. Or else write an email message to




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